“As it is written: ‘Behold, I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and rock of offense, and whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.’” (Romans 9:33NKJV)
God’s way of salvation is Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone. The only righteousness sufficient to make a guilty sinner right with God is the righteousness of Jesus credited to the believer by faith. This crediting Jesus’ righteousness to sinners who believe in Him is called imputation. The Bible does not teach that Jesus makes believers righteous in themselves. Rather, He Himself is their righteousness. Only He, with His pierced hands and speared side and thorn-crowned head, stands between a believer and hell. His righteousness is credited to those who believe.
Imputation is a major biblical concept, one seen throughout Scripture. There is the imputation of the guilt of Adam’s sin to all human beings. “In Adam all die.” Romans 5:12 says that “all sinned” in Adam’s disobedience. That can only be true via imputation, since only Adam actually sinned. But when he sinned he involved all of his natural seed (descendants) in sin and spiritual death. “Death reigned” during the interval between Adam and Moses, at which time the law was given. Although none of those people who died in that interval sinned like Adam did, they all died because God regarded them all as being guilty of Adam’s sin (See Romans 5:12-14)
There is then the imputation of human sin to Jesus. He was not guilty of anything but went to the cross and suffered as one guilty of the most dreadful crimes. This imputation of human sin to Christ was repeatedly pictured through the sacrifices of the OT system. The sins of the people were symbolically transferred to the sacrificial offering; the animal was then subjected to death, the penalty due to those whose sins it bore. Of course, no animal sacrifice ever actually “took away” the sins of human beings. Those sacrifices were temporary and symbolic; performed only until God, in due time, sent His Lamb to actually and truly “take away the sin of the world” (See John 1:29).
There is also the imputation of Christ’s righteousness to those who truly believe. Through faith alone in Christ alone, the righteousness of the perfect Son of God is credited to all who believe, put to their account who trust the perfect Christ as their Savior and Lord. We sinned in Adam, our representative. Christ represented His people at the cross, bearing their sins and dying for them. Now all who believe are credited with His perfection. They are regarded perfectly righteous in God’s sight—all by Heaven’s design.
Jesus, the Rock of ages, who came to redeem sinners, is also a “Rock of offense.” His gospel offends many a proud sinner. Many stumble at His gospel and would sooner go to hell than to rest their souls in Him by faith. Naturally people want a “can do religion.” The gospel is not natural; further it is the one “can’t do religion.” No works allowed; you just can’t do it. According to the Bible, true salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. This does not offend you, does it?
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